Best Outdoor Potted Plants For Beginners

Whether you have a spacious garden or a small balcony, adding outdoor potted plants is a beautiful way to bring natural beauty into your surroundings. Not only do they enhance the aesthetics of your outdoor space, but they also offer numerous benefits for beginners. 

Below are some of the best outdoor potted plants that are perfect for beginners. 

  1. Hosta
  2. Lavender
  3. Clematis
  4. String of Pearls
  5. Rose
  6. African Violets
  7. Boston Fern
  8. Hydrangea

Gardening can be a fulfilling and therapeutic hobby, and outdoor potted plants are an excellent choice for beginners due to their versatility and ease of maintenance. You can create a vibrant and inviting outdoor oasis with the proper selection of plants and a little care. 

Let’s delve into the world of outdoor potted plants and discover the top choices for beginners.

Benefits of Outdoor Potted Plants

Outdoor potted plants offer several advantages for beginners. Firstly, they are flexible and portable, allowing you to experiment with various locations until you find the perfect spot. Additionally, potted plants require less space than traditional garden beds, making them suitable for balconies, patios, and small yards.

Furthermore, these plants are generally easier to manage since they contain root systems. This means you have better control over the soil conditions, watering, and overall plant health. Outdoor potted plants also allow for cultivating various plant species, including flowering plants, herbs, and vegetables.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Outdoor Potted Plants

Before diving into the selection process, it’s essential to consider a few factors that will contribute to the success of your outdoor potted plants.

Sunlight Requirements

Different plants have varying sunlight requirements. While some flourish in direct sunlight, others like some shade. Assess the sunlight your outdoor space receives throughout the day and choose plants accordingly. This will ensure your plants receive the appropriate light to grow and flourish.

Climate Compatibility

Consider the climate in your region and choose outdoor potted plants that are compatible with the local weather conditions. Some plants are more resilient to heat, while others can withstand cooler temperatures or frost. Understanding your climate will help you select plants that thrive in your environment.

Soil Conditions

Different plants have different soil preferences. Some plants prefer well-draining soil, while others thrive in moisture-retaining soil. Assess the type of soil you have or plan to use in your outdoor pots. Choose plants that tolerate such conditions if your soil is heavy and clay-like. 

Otherwise, if you have sandy soil, select plants that can thrive in well-draining environments. It’s also worth considering adding organic matter or potting soil mix to enhance the soil quality for optimal plant growth.

Maintenance Level

Consider your availability and the level of maintenance you are willing to invest in your outdoor potted plants. Some plants require regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing, while others are more low-maintenance. Beginners may find starting with tolerant plants that don’t demand extreme care easier.

Top 8 Outdoor Potted Plants for Beginners

Now that we have covered the essential factors to consider, let’s explore the top five outdoor potted plants that are perfect for beginners.


With their giant, pretty leaves, hostas are one of the most popular outdoor potted plants for beginners. They are pretty hardy and thrive on a shady patio or under a large potted tree with broad boughs to protect them from the sun. 

Hostas need rich potting soil and perform best in zones 3-9. They are also resistant to deer, so keeping them in pots will protect them from being eaten by the animals.


Lavender is an all-time favorite plant for indoor and outdoor gardens due to its lovely fragrance and beautiful purple flowers. It needs plenty of sunlight and soil that drains properly, making it an ideal container choice. 

Lavender is also relatively easy to maintain and requires minimal pruning and occasional watering. Plant it in USDA zones 5-9, but cover it during winter to protect it from extreme temperatures.


Clematis is an excellent choice for outdoor potted plants as one of the most beautiful flowering plants. It needs well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade, thus an ideal option for sunny balconies and patios.

Clematis also requires regular pruning and watering during the active growth period. Plant it in USDA zones 4-8 and cover it during the winter to protect it from extreme cold.

4.String of Pearls

This fascinating succulent is an excellent option for outdoor pots due to its attractive appearance and low-maintenance care requirements. String prefers partial sun but will also tolerate light shade. 

It needs well-draining soil to thrive and should be kept in a sunny spot with plenty of bright light. Plant this stunning succulent in USDA zones 9-12.


Roses are undoubtedly one of the most classic flowering plants and make a great addition to any outdoor space. They need rich, well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade. 

Although they require more care than other potted plants, roses offer numerous benefits for beginners. They are hardy and easy to care for in the right conditions, hence an excellent choice for anyone looking to add color and elegance to their outdoor space. Plant them in USDA zones 3-10.

6.African Violets

These cultivated plants are ideal for partial shade locations such as patios. They need well-draining soil and do best in USDA zones 11-12. 

The African violets are relatively easy to care for and require minimal pruning and occasional watering. They also come in various colours, making them an excellent choice for any outdoor setting.

7.Boston Fern

Like other ferns, the Boston Fern is an excellent choice for outdoor potted plants due to its low-maintenance care and stunning foliage. It needs a moist environment and prefers partial shade or filtered light, making it an excellent option for balconies and patios.

Boston Fern also requires regular watering during the summer months and should be kept in USDA zones 9-11.


Hydrangeas is an excellent choice for outdoor potted plants as one of the most beautiful and classic flowering plants. You’ll need to provide them with well-draining soil and partial sun for optimal growth. 

Hydrangeas require regular pruning and fertilizing, but they are generally easy to maintain and will reward you with vibrant blooms throughout the season. Plant these plants in USDA zones 5-8 and cover them during harsh winter conditions.

You can create a vibrant and inviting outdoor space with the proper selection of outdoor potted plants. Select plants compatible with your climate and soil conditions to ensure they thrive in your environment. 

Now that you have some of the best outdoor potted plants for beginners, you can start planning your show-stopping garden oasis.

Tips for Successful Gardening with Outdoor Potted Plants

To ensure the success of your outdoor potted plants, follow these essential tips:

Choosing the Right Containers

Select appropriate containers for the size and growth habits of your chosen plants. To avoid waterlogging, make sure the containers have drainage holes, which can lead to root rot.

Providing Adequate Drainage

Place a layer of gravel or small stones at the bottom of your pots to facilitate drainage. This helps prevent water from accumulating at the roots and causing damage to the plants.

Watering and Fertilizing

Water your outdoor potted plants regularly, considering their specific water requirements. Avoid overwatering or underwatering, as both can be detrimental to plant health. Utilize a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to fertilize your plants according to the package instructions.

Pruning and Deadheading

Regularly prune your plants to encourage bushier growth and remove dead or damaged foliage. Deadheading, the process of removing spent flowers, promotes continuous blooming and keeps your plants looking tidy.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

To ensure the success of your outdoor potted plants, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes that can hinder their growth and health.


The most frequent mistake beginners make is overwatering their outdoor potted plants. Remember that containers have different drainage capabilities than the ground, so keeping the soil from becoming waterlogged is essential. Allow the soil’s top layer to dry between watering sessions to prevent root rot.


On the other hand, underwatering is equally detrimental to your plant’s health. Check the soil’s moisture level regularly and water your plants when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Adjust your watering schedule Depending on each plant’s particular water requirements.

Choosing Invasive Plants

When selecting outdoor potted plants, avoid invasive species that can take over your garden and cause ecological imbalances. Research the growth patterns of the plants you’re considering and opt for non-invasive varieties.

Neglecting Pest Control

Outdoor potted plants are susceptible to pests like aphids, snails, and spider mites. Regularly check your plants for signs of problems and take appropriate measures to control them. This can include using organic pest control methods or introducing beneficial insects to your garden.

Fold The Sleeves!

Outdoor potted plants offer many benefits for beginners, including ease of maintenance and portability. If you want to add vibrant color and natural beauty to your outdoor space, the top eight outdoor potted plants listed here are ideal choices. 

When choosing plants for your outdoor space, consider factors like sunlight requirements, climate compatibility, soil conditions, and maintenance level. You can create a stunning garden oasis everyone will admire with the right choice of plants and a little care.

Happy gardening! 


What plants are best for outdoor pots?

Some of the best outdoor pot plants are Hostas, Lavender, Clematis, String of Pearls, Roses, African Violets, Boston Ferns and Hydrangeas.

What is the easiest plant to grow?

The easiest plants to grow are generally low-maintenance and hardy varieties. The best options are Aloe Vera, Spider Plants, Succulents, Devil’s Ivy, Peace Lilies and Pothos. These plants are great for beginners as they require minimal care and attention.

What are the best slow-growing plants for pots?

The best slow-growing pot plants are Ferns, Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum), Heuchera and Sedums. These plants stay small in size and require minimal care to thrive. 

What is the easiest flower to grow in your garden?

Some of the easiest flowers to grow in your garden are Marigolds, Snapdragons, Pansies, Petunias and Geraniums. These plants are great for beginners, requiring minimal care and attention to thrive. 

Elisham Mwela

Elisham Mwela is a copywriter and digital marketer with progressive experience. He works hard to make sure his clients are well-informed, educated, and satisfied with the end product. He also has an extensive knowledge of SEO (Surfer-SEO expert), which allows him to help businesses rank higher on Google searches for their products or services. When he’s not writing, he is cycling, drawing, or singing and reading the Bible.

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